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Dr. Kevyn Zablocki

CIMISS > Dr. Kevyn Zablocki

Why does this matter to me?

I met Amelia Abiem in 2010, while working on a student research project for my Law, Societies & Justice studies at the University of Washington. The focus of my research was the Southern Sudanese Community of Washington (SSCW), an non-profit organization that worked to support the Seattle-area Southern Sudanese population.

What I observed during my time with this organization was SSCW’s commitment to balance intervention and support with empowerment. This was not always easy as there were diverse cultural values, beliefs and customs at play within the Southern Sudanese community. This required all of us to embody sensitivity, empathy, flexibility, and respect for the diverse realities being encountered. I feel blessed to have been drawn into Amelia’s orbit, and hope that my contributions to CIMISS will benefit the men, women, and children that this organization will work to support and empower.