E-mail: cimiss.org@gmail.com    |    Phone: 123 456 789

Research & Development

Research & Development

CIMISS maintains that the solution to a social problem must include sustainable engagement with the population affected by that problem. This involves including the perspectives, experiences, and deep cultural history of the people. For example, educating midwives about the importance of handwashing during the birthing process must be developed keeping in mind the prevailing beliefs and practices within a tribal community. These are infused to enhance and expand education and training, coupled with researching and developing the resources available in a geographical location. Research and development for program improvement and expansion is coupled with remaining cognizant to changes in conditions on the ground.


Doctors Without Borders (2024). Sudan war exacerbates humanitarian needs in neighboring South Sudan: https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/latest/sudan-war-exacerbates-humanitarian-needs-neighboring-south-sudan

International Crisis Group (2024). South Sudan on Edge as Its Neighbour’s War Disrupts Oil Exports. https://www.crisisgroup.org/africa/horn-africa/south-sudan/south-sudan-edge-its-neighbours-war-disrupts-oil-exports#:~:text=As%20Crisis%20Group%20reported%20in,and%20stave%20off%20deadly%20unrest